Blog — Chalk Festivals

Look Out! 2018 Sidewalk Chalk Art Festivals Are Coming in Michigan
2018 Michigan Sidewalk Chalk Art Festivals!
It may still be snowing here in the Midwest but Spring is right around the corner...
It is, right?
Yes, it is - and that means sunshine, getting outside and finding fun creative things to do with your kids on the weekends. One very cool thing is to check out a Street Art Sidewalk Chalk Frestival - fun and when you see the artwork, it's amazing!
Here are a few really great festivals happening in Michigan in 2018, and Walkie Chalk may just pop up at a few!
June 15-16
West Michigan Chalk Art Festival - Byron Center, MI
June 23-24, 2018
Northville Chalk Festival, Northville, MI
July 28-29
Chalk Art - Downtown Chelsea, MI
August 3-5
Chalk The Block - St. Joseph, MI

2017 Chalk Art Festivals Abound
It’s hard to believe that spring has sprung and the summer months are just around the corner. Here in our Michigan HQ, that means it’s prime time for all things chalk art. As such, we thought what better way to celebrate budding trees and warmer temps than by offering our list of can’t-miss chalk art festivals taking place around the US, now through the end of the year.
Have a look and get out there to chalk one up for fun with friends and family … and don’t forget to take your Walkie Chalk with you!
That’s ten great chalk art festivals to enjoy with family and friends, and plenty of opportunity to show off your Walkie Chalk skills. Whether they are your creations or not, we’d love to see photos of any kind of chalk art that inspired you in any way, so please share via our social media pages.
Happy chalking!